These accounts represent Princeton University on social media and follow the University social media guidelines.
Campus partners who would like to be included should register their accounts with the Princeton Social Media Team.

Princeton University
Since 1746, a vibrant community of learning that endeavors to fulfill its informal motto, "in the nation's service and the service of humanity."

For each Princeton class, we bring together a varied mix of high-achieving, intellectually gifted students from diverse backgrounds to create an exceptional learning community. Our need-based financial aid program is recognized as one of the most generous in the country, making it possible for students to graduate without debt.

Princeton Alumni
Stay connected with and be inspired by fellow alumni from every generation in every corner of the globe. Find local and campus-based events, read alumni news and features and discover opportunities to give back.

Africa World Initiative
Africa World is a transdisciplinary space in Princeton established to harness and optimize University initiatives focused on Africa, and ensure a multiway exchange with stakeholders on the African continent.

Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University is a multidisciplinary research and education center, whose mission is to develop technologies and solutions to secure our energy and environmental future.

Connect with Princeton Athletics, teams, coaches and offices on social media.

Bendheim Center for Finance
The Center provides a fertile ground for cutting-edge research at the intersection between finance, monetary economics, and macroeconomics, with a special emphasis on financial frictions, behavioral finance, and financial econometrics.

Brazil LAB
Spearheaded by PIIRS and in synergy with various departments, programs and initiatives, the LAB | Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies | is a multi-disciplinary research and teaching hub for exploring the country’s history, politics and culture, along with its regional significance and international connections.

Campus Dining
We bring together expertise in culinary arts, wellness, sustainability, procurement and hospitality to develop innovative programs in support of our diverse and vibrant community.

Campus Life
Campus Life creates an engaging environment that inspires students to realize their full potential through self-discovery, connection to community, meaningful work, a love of learning, and a life of purpose.

Campus Rec
Campus Recreation engages the Princeton University community in co-curricular experiences to inspire lifelong health and well-being. We provide a variety of recreation opportunities to students, faculty and staff, including Dillon Gym, Stephens Fitness Center, outdoor facilities, intramural sports, group fitness, sport clubs, personal training, self-organized activities, and fun events like Clash of the Colleges, Dodgeball Tournament, Tiger Trot 5k Walk/Run, Bingo Nights and more!

Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding
The Fields Center provides training, social and cultural programs and educational opportunities that prepare students and others to succeed in a diverse and ever-changing world.

Center for Career Development
The Center for Career Development empowers students to develop the insights, experience and connections to pursue personally meaningful careers throughout their lives.

Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton
The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) is a collaborative research community that welcomes scholars from all disciplines and all levels. We work on projects, programs, and outreach activities aligned with our core belief that humanistic engagement with technology will deepen our understanding of the past, illuminate our present, and create a better future.

Center for Health and Wellbeing
The Center for Health and Wellbeing (CHW) fosters research and teaching on the multiple aspects of health and wellbeing in both developed and developing countries.

Center for Information Technology Policy
The Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University is a nexus of expertise in technology, engineering, public policy, and the social sciences.

Center for Jewish Life — Hillel at Princeton University
The CJL is a home for Jewish students and those exploring their Jewish identity at Princeton offering a variety of activities ranging from social, educational and recreational to weekly Shabbat dinners.

Center for Statistics and Machine Learning
Created in response to a growing interest in data science, the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning launches and develops courses, workshops, and other programs all with the aim of deepening the roots of data science in disciplines across campus. Our center’s efforts are pushed forward through our collaborative and interdisciplinary spirit.

Center for the Study of Democratic Politics
The Center for the Study of Democratic Politics (CSDP) was created in 1999 as a research program within the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. The Center supports research and educational programming on democratic political institutions and behavior. A major aim of the Center is to encourage rigorous social scientific analysis that informs our understanding of the public policy process, elections, and policy decisions.

Coach, the DPS Therapy Dog
Coach is Labrador Retriever who is a member of the Department of Public Safety. Coach’s job is to provide comfort and affection to the Princeton University community and Public Safety employees. Coach is graduate of Puppies Behind Bars, an organization that trains prison inmates to raise service dogs.

Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System
The Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES) fosters research collaborations between Princeton University and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The work of CIMES is carried out by the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) Program, an independent program in the Department of Geosciences. CIMES has contributed to the development of oceanic and atmospheric models, performed research on climate and biogeochemical cycling and educated several generations of postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and interns.

Council on Science and Technology
The Council on Science and Technology (CST) is comprised of dedicated faculty and staff who work to advance STEM literacy across Princeton University and beyond through rigorous course development, creative interdisciplinary programming, and robust educational research.

Davis International Center
The Davis International Center offers specialized support for international students and scholars at Princeton University.

Department of African American Studies
The Department of African American Studies aims to expand and deepen a student's understanding of the complex interplay between political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our understanding of the historic achievements and struggles of African-descended people in this country and their relation to others around the world.

Department of Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology takes an interpretive approach to the study of culture - an approach that requires intensive ethnographic fieldwork, deep engagement with critical social theories, and historical analysis.

Department of Art and Archaeology
The Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University has long been a leading center for the study of art, architecture, and archaeology.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Developing the next generation of leaders and defining the frontiers of knowledge in chemical and biological engineering. Topics include biochemical and biomedical engineering, environmental and energy science and technology, materials science and engineering, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, applied and computational mathematics, and catalysis and surface science. Part of Princeton Engineering and #PrincetonU, in the nation's service and in the service of humanity.

Department of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry is home to 33 faculty members and a robust graduate program with research in six subfields: catalysis/synthesis, chemical biology, inorganic chemistry, materials, spectroscopy/physical chemistry, and theoretical chemistry.

Department of Classics
The Department of Classics is dedicated to studying the history, language, literature, thought, and reception of the ancient Mediterranean world.

Department of Computer Science
Our department is home to 47 tenure-track and 13 teaching faculty, with strong groups in theory, networks/systems, graphics/vision, architecture/compilers, programming languages, security/policy, machine learning, and computational biology.

Department of Economics
The Economics Department at Princeton is dedicated to inspiring and training the next generation of academics and government and industry leaders.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Princeton University's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering welcomes those dedicated to advancing technology in the service of humanity. With a focus on mentorship of the highest quality, our faculty engage in first-rate teaching and research in a wide range of disciplines that have a common location: where information meets the physical world.

Department of English
A passion for works of the imagination and for thinking about what they mean and the difference they make in the world.

Department of French & Italian
The Department of French & Italian offers dynamic interdisciplinary undergraduate courses, progressive language instruction in both French and Italian, and a top-rated graduate program in French. A diverse and friendly department, FIT faculty and students share a love of French and Italian cultures and a passion to excel in understanding them.

Department of Geosciences
Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geobiology, Paleontology, Climate Science, and Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Department of History
Our department specializes in subfields from all over the world, late antiquity to the present.

Department of Molecular Biology
The Department of Molecular Biology is the core of the life sciences at Princeton. We are a world-class faculty with diverse research interests spanning molecular, cell, and systems biology, and we study organisms ranging from viruses, bacteria and yeast to worms, flies, fish, mice, and humans.

Department of Music
Princeton’s Department of Music is at the epicenter of a musical culture that is broad and deep, reaching from edge to edge of the campus, from the classroom to the concert hall, and from faculty-led groups to those run exclusively by students.

Department of Physics
Where faculty and students engage in theoretical and experimental research.

Department of Politics
Princeton Politics, where students learn from leading scholars, is one of the largest and most intellectually diverse political science programs in the world.

Department of Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety is the primary department at the University charged with creating a safe and secure environment, consisting of professional University police and security officers dedicated to providing best-in-class service to the community

Department of Religion
Religion Department is a field within the Humanities, the academic study of religion offers indispensable insight into a significant realm of human experience and expression.

Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese offers a liberal arts major in Spanish and/or Portuguese designed to give students a thorough grounding in the language, literature, and cultures.

Effron Center for the Study of America
The Effron Center for the Study of America at Princeton University aims to understand America in the world and how the world lives in America.

Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity
The Emma Bloomberg Center at Princeton for Access and Opportunity supports and empowers students to, through, and beyond college.

Environmental Health & Safety
The Princeton University Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) provides leadership, technical support, information and training, consultation, and periodic audits of environmental, health and safety practices and regulatory compliance.

We Design, Build & Maintain. The Facilities Organization supports the University's educational mission by stewarding the University’s campus in a sustainable way to create an environment of exceptional quality where learning and research thrive.

Faith & Work Initiative
The Faith & Work Initiative (FWI) mission is to bridge the wisdom of faith traditions and the rich heritage of the humanities with the leading edge of scientific, technological, and economic innovation. Through teaching, research, and thought leadership, we focus on the ethical and related challenges that manifest themselves in work and the workplace with the whole human in mind.

Forbes College
Forbes is a living and learning community that houses approximately 500 undergraduate students in singles, doubles and triples. First-years are assigned roommates, and live in what are known as advisee, or zee, groups of about 15 first-year students. Each zee group is advised by a Residential College Adviser—a junior or senior student who has been selected and trained to be an informative mentor, as well as someone who enforces basic community standards. Sophomores , Juniors, and Seniors are housed throughout the college, and are also served by the RCA’s, but in a much less formal capacity. A Residential Life Coordinator and Resident Graduate Students in Forbes also provide support and community engagement to Forbes residents though out the academic year.

Freshman Seminar Program
Open only to members of the first-year class, the FRS program is designed to give students an early opportunity to experience the excitement of working closely with an instructor and a small group of fellow students on a topic of special interest. Those topics span an extraordinary range and are taught by some of the University's most esteemed instructors.

The Gender + Sexuality Resource Center
The Gender + Sexuality Resource Center provides campus wide programming, community building, and connections to resources relating to gender and sexuality.

German Department
The Princeton German Department explores the language, literatures, intellectual history, arts and media of Germany and German-speaking cultures from the Middle Ages to the present.

GradFUTURES® is a campus-wide professional development initiative to empower graduate students with the professional competencies and connections they need to chart their future with clarity and confidence. We define professional development as the systematic learning and acquisition of skills and competencies that will support scholarly and research goals while preparing graduate students for professional success in diverse roles within the academic, public, and private sectors.

The Graduate School
The Graduate School focuses on and sustains excellence in graduate education across disciplines and emphasizes original and independent scholarship.

The Graduate School — Access, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Graduate School’s Access, Diversity, and Inclusion (ADI) team identifies, attracts, and develops the most promising individuals from as many segments of society as possible. To that end, ADI aspires to be a truly inclusive community in which individuals of every nationality, religion, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, political viewpoint, socioeconomic status, and veteran status can flourish.

The Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies
The Benjamin H. Griswold III, Class of 1933, Center for Economic Policy Studies at Princeton University, formerly known as the Center for Economic Policy Studies (CEPS), was founded by Alan S. Blinder in 1989 to support policy-related research in the Department of Economics, and to foster communication among members of the academic, business, and government communities. For more information, visit

Health Professions Advising
Health Professions Advising offers guidance and resources to aspiring doctors, dentists, veterinarians and others who seek careers in the health professions.

High Meadows Environmental Institute
HMEI is Princeton University's interdisciplinary center for environmental research and education. Research carried out through HMEI advances understanding of the Earth as a complex system influenced by human activities, and informs solutions to local and global challenges by conducting groundbreaking research across disciplines and by preparing future leaders in diverse fields to impact a world increasingly shaped by climate change.

Housing and Real Estate Services
The Office of Housing and Real Estate Services provides a variety of services, resources and support to undergraduate and graduate students residing in on-campus housing.

I-Corps Northeast Hub
The I-Corps Northeast Hub helps researchers accelerate the economic impact of their federally funded research and provides entrepreneurship opportunities to researchers in an inclusive and welcoming environment.

James Madison Program
A program in the Department of Politics, the James Madison Program is dedicated to exploring enduring questions of American constitutional law and Western political thought.

Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
The Keller Center at Princeton University creates societal impact through entrepreneurship, design and design thinking and innovative education.

Lewis Center for the Arts
Princeton in the service of the imagination. Offering more than 150 courses each year in Creative Writing, Dance, Theater, Music Theater, Visual Arts and the Princeton Atelier, and presenting 100+ public events each year including readings, screenings, performances, exhibitions, lectures and more.

Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination
The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination (LISD) supports teaching, research, events, and publications about self-determination in a globalizing world. The Institute interprets self-determination broadly, subsuming the promotion of self-government, sovereignty, security, diversity, human and democratic rights, group identity and cooperative international solutions among national, nonstate and international actors.

Mathey College
The Mathey College community includes over 800 undergraduates, from first-year students to seniors. Approximately five hundred students, from all four classes (first-years through seniors) live in the college, sharing the college’s own dining and social facilities, study areas, computer clusters, and classrooms. They are supported by Residential College Advisers who are each responsible for a small group of advisees ("'zees") and joined by Peer Academic Advisers and Resident Graduate Students who provide additional mentorship and activities.

Muslim Life Program
The Muslim Life Program is dedicated to building a vibrant and pluralistic community on Princeton University’s campus that is welcoming to all and fosters deeper exploration of faith, sacred knowledge, and social activism through fellowship and a wide variety of programs.

Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative at Princeton
Princeton’s Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative fosters a cross-disciplinary dialogue among faculty, students, staff, and community members whose research and teaching interests focus on Indigenous peoples.

New College West
Our community consists of nearly nine hundred undergraduates in all four years of study, including Residential College Advisers (RCAs) and Peer Academic Advisers (PAAs). Our community also includes the college staff, Residential Graduate Students (RGSs), faculty advisers, fellows, and colleagues from dining services and building services, among others. All of our first- and second-year students live in the college; NCW juniors and seniors may choose to live in the college or in unaffiliated housing elsewhere on campus.

Novogratz Bridge Year Program
The Novogratz Bridge Year Program allows incoming undergraduate students to begin their Princeton experience engaged in nine months of tuition-free, community-based global learning.

Office of Campus Engagement
The Office of Campus Engagement creates shared experiences for all undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff to step away from their day-to-day and explore intriguing opportunities that promote connection and growth beyond the resume.

Office of Community and Regional Affairs
The Office of Community and Regional Affairs serves as the primary liaison between the University and the communities in which it resides on a wide variety of local and regional issues.
- YouthCampus Facebook — YouthCampus publicizes University programming designed for ages pre-K to high school.

Office of the Dean for Research
The Office of the Dean for Research supports Princeton University’s mission to be one of the world's leading research universities.

Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Students
The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students provides resources, opportunities and experiences for undergraduates and the greater university community.

Office of Diversity & Inclusion — Campus Life
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion-Campus Life is committed to supporting and challenging all undergraduate and graduate students by facilitating co-curricular experiences and learning about identity, inclusion, equity, and social justice education. We serve the campus community through education, advising and training, and university-wide programming.

Office of International Programs
The Office of International Programs (OIP) is home to Fellowship Advising, the International Internship Program, the Novogratz Bridge Year Program, and the Study Abroad Program.

Office of Information Technology
The Office of Information Technology is committed to technology support and innovation that enables Princeton to achieve its mission: to advance learning through scholarship, research, and teaching of unsurpassed quality.

Office of Religious Life
The Office of Religious Life supports all members of the Princeton community, of any religious identity or of none, in answering for themselves their own questions of how to find meaning and how to live.

Office of State Affairs
The Office of State Affairs advocates on behalf of Princeton University to New Jersey state elected officials on issues that affect the University community.

Office of Sustainability
The Office of Sustainability's mission is to cultivate an ethos of sustainability at Princeton that inspires action at all scales in service to humanity and the world.

Office of Undergraduate Research
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) serves to inform, engage, connect, and support currently enrolled undergraduates on matters related to research at Princeton.

Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute
Interdisciplinary research on cellular, device and computational bioengineering.

Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Probability, statistics, optimization, operations research, financial mathematics, and machine learning, all in a single department.

Pace Center for Civic Engagement
The John H. Pace, Jr. '39 Center for Civic Engagement makes service and civic engagement a central part of the Princeton student experience so that undergraduate and graduate students can respond to the needs of the world in responsible ways.

Princeton Alumni Weekly
An editorially independent magazine by alumni for alumni since 1900.

Princeton Center for Complex Materials
The Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM) is a National Science Foundation supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), dedicated to pushing the frontiers of complexity in materials science - bringing together over thirty faculty from six departments in the natural sciences and engineering.

Princeton Innovation
Princeton Innovation is a Princeton University campus-wide initiative that aims to benefit humanity through innovation and entrepreneurship

Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
PIIRS is Princeton University's interdisciplinary hub for research, learning and dialogue on global issues and intersecting world regions.

Princeton International
Princeton International works to facilitate the global pursuits of the University community and tell stories about how those cross-border collaborations continually advance Princeton’s mission.

Princeton Journeys
Princeton Journeys is the educational travel program of Princeton University. Not simply vacations, Princeton Journeys programs are opportunities for alumni and friends of the University to engage in intellectual conversation and take advantage of the learning experiences inherent in travel.

Princeton Language+Intelligence
Princeton University initiative enhancing fundamental understanding of AI, enabling its use in academic disciplines, and examining AI's societal implications.

Princeton Materials Institute
The Princeton Materials Institute is the center for materials science and education due to its unique integration of long-term, curiosity-driven research, high-impact innovation and engagement with industry.

Princeton Neuroscience Institute
The Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI) is a leading hub for interdisciplinary research and education focused on advancing our understanding of the brain and nervous system. Research at PNI spans molecular, cellular, systems, and computational neuroscience, and fosters a collaborative environment that connects its faculty with researchers in psychology, biology, computer science, physics, and engineering. PNI is committed to pushing the boundaries of neuroscience through innovation, education, and research excellence.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory managed by Princeton University.

Princeton Precision Health
Princeton Precision Health is a cross-cutting initiative that uses AI and data science to transform human health at all levels: from molecular to social to environmental, with the goal of enacting smart policy and evidence-based clinical practice.

Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Founded in 1930, the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs dedicates itself to integrating world-class scholarship and a commitment to service in order to make a positive difference in the world.

Princeton University Art Museum
The Princeton University Art Museum is one of the leading university art museums in the world, with collections ranging from ancient to contemporary and spanning the globe. Follow us to explore art, events, scholarship, and latest news.

Princeton University Concerts
Through innovative programs presented in an intimate setting, PUC has been committed to making classical music accessible to all since 1894, presenting the world's greatest musicians.

Princeton University Library
Through active and creative partnerships within Princeton University and across the global community, we advance world-class research, enrich teaching and learning, and preserve knowledge and culture by providing dynamic services and access to diverse resources.

Princeton Varsity Club
The Princeton Varsity Club (PVC) implements and supports programming that provides all 38 varsity teams and 1,000 Princeton student-athletes opportunities to achieve, serve and lead, complementing the Department of Athletics’ mission of Education Through Athletics.
Program in African Studies
The Program in African Studies is a multidisciplinary forum that brings together students and faculty to learn about Africa — its peoples, environments and resources — by exploring cultural, historical, political, scientific and economic issues.

Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies
Faculty and students in GSS are dedicated to the study of gender and sexuality in their complex articulations with race, ethnicity, class, disability, religion, nationality, and other intersections of identity, power, and politics.

Program in Latin American Studies
The Program in Latin American Studies (PLAS) at Princeton University is one the nation's first centers dedicated exclusively to Latin American area studies with more than fifty faculty members in more than twenty academic departments and schools. The program's core mission is to increase knowledge of the histories, cultures, economies, and environments of Latin America, including Brazil and the Caribbean, and to foster cooperation and understanding across the Americas. PLAS achieves this by bringing Latin American scholars, artists, politicians, and scientists to campus, and providing support for collaborative research, community service, and cultural exchanges in the region.

Program in Teacher Preparation
Teacher Prep prepares Princeton undergraduate and graduate students, as well as returning alumni for careers in teaching and other education related fields.

Research Program in Development Economics
The Research Program in Development Economics (RPDE) at Princeton University carries out economics research on the causes and consequences of global poverty, with the goal of informing policy-making and thereby improving the lives of people living in low- and middle-income countries.

Rockefeller College
The mission of Rockefeller College is to foster an inclusive residential and intellectual community that welcomes students from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, nationalities, and identities.

School of Architecture
The School of Architecture, Princeton’s center for teaching and research in architectural design, history, and theory, offers an undergraduate major and advanced degrees at both the master’s and doctoral levels.

School of Engineering and Applied Science
At Princeton Engineering, we ensure students master the fundamental principles of engineering science, then prepare them to make their own contributions to their fields—all with the goal of solving problems of broad importance for society.

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
The Seeger Center at Princeton University is an interdisciplinary community for the study of the Greek world from antiquity to the present.

Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library (Archives and Public Policy Papers)
Princeton University Library’s University Archives, located in Mudd Library, contain records created by University faculty, staff, and students. These records document University administration, the development of academic departments and programs, and student life.

Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education (SHARE)
The Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education (SHARE) office is a survivor-centered, trauma-informed confidential resource on campus for the Princeton University community. SHARE provides crisis response, support, short-term counseling, advocacy, education, and referral services to those who are dealing with incidents of interpersonal violence and abuse including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.

Transfer Scholars Initiative
The Transfer Scholars Initiative (TSI) is a summer program for community college students housed in the Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity.

Trenton Arts at Princeton
Trenton Arts at Princeton (TAP) is a collaboration between the Department of Music, Lewis Center for the Arts, and Pace Center for Civic Engagement. Our mission is to build a community of young artists across Trenton and Princeton University through student leadership and volunteer opportunities, youth programming, community performances, and more.

UMatter Initiative
An initiative by Princeton for Princeton, to give everyone the tools they need to create a safer and more caring community.

Whitman College
As a four-year college, Whitman houses and advises freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Resident graduate students, faculty fellows, and a dedicated college administrative staff are also part of this learning community.

Working at Princeton
Managed by the Office of Human Resources, the Working at Princeton social media platforms engage current and prospective staff members and the broader community to convey the #WorkingAtPrinceton experience and how staff further Princeton's mission in a variety of impactful ways.